Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 Benefits of Quitting Smoking - Quit Smoking to Save You

You have many reasons why you need quitting smoking. It is for your own health and your family’s welfare. During smoking, many smokers proudly blow off ‘smoke rings’. Remember, they are not ‘puffing off’ but ‘getting into’. Though they are blowing away the smoke, the poisoning ingredients stride slowly to the lungs to affect total health. So, take care to quit smoking and save yourself if you are a smoker for the following benefits.

1. If you are able to use your ultra Will power to throw off one cigarette from your lips it means you are on the way to success to clear your packet without cigarettes.

2. You can see your purse value increase.

3. Be sure, you can improve your health by protecting your lungs from being damaged with smoke fumes.

4. You will gain more attachment of your ‘Loving Dear’ without bad odor that may evolve from your mouth.

5. Your life span extends with a healthy body.

Is’t possible to quit smoking?

I know you are in a dilemma whereas I am clean as I am a non-smoker. I have embedded in my heart a strong Will of ‘Never to smoke’. Though some of my colleagues tried to make me a smoking comrade to share with them they couldn’t drag me to their whims. Of course, I had the habit long years ago but now the gloomy days are gone, and I have over ridden the dragon of life threatening moments. I feel more proud to call me as non-smoker with less similar friends than to be in smoke illusions with many smokers. Aren’t you interested to be recognized as a non-smoker than simply to try to stop smoking tentatively? Though it is not as easy as one may think to become a non-smoker, it is quite possible to attain the goal with one’s Will.

Execute your Will to quitting smoking

Most smokers might have started smoking perhaps when they were in their twenties. They could have started with two or three cigarettes to a packet or two per day. Though many smokers make decision to quit smoking when their health is affected, they do not know exactly the right way - how to get rid of smoking. When they are diagnosed with lung damage or burning throat they strive hard to find a solution to their ailment. They know well how tough it will be for them to stop smoking. But they are not seen to execute their Will power which has an emphatic role to motivate their thoughts against smoke illusions.

Friday, May 7, 2010

5 Tips to Quit Smoking – Avoid smoke Illusions!

Have you ever thought of the evil dragons within you growing more and more when you have craving for smoking? It is not a silly question but many such questions demand your sincere thinking. If you are wise you can win the battle of ‘Quit smoking’ and step out of the dangerous ditch. It is vehemently objected by physicians that smoking habit can never do good things a bit for anyone. It is more or less preparing your body to get damaged internally to touch the edge of last breath. Specifically, when you continue smoking you feed your lungs, liver and throat with clouds of smokes.

If you do not take an oath for Quit Smoking then just better get ready to lose anything in your life. You may lose ‘Good friends’ and to the worst your loved dear one too! That may happen in your life as being addicted to smoking may spoil anything around you and you may lose favor and protection. I am sure this may sound harsh for you but it’s not an exaggeration. When you are not admitting the goodness of After Quitting Smoking means you are stubborn stay at life risk or decided to increase life risk factors. So, just sit a while and think well why you need quit smoking or even shoot your thoughts negatively why you have developed craving for smoking.

You may prefer to quit or stop smoking but I am sure you are in a mess how to start. I won’t agree with you that it will be too tough to quit and throw away your cigarette in the dust bin during your puff or even before lighting on the tip.

Here are the open hearts of well wishers who have never been smokers. These words can help you build up life rehabilitation for you to be free from pains and penalties against smoking risks. If you are either a beginner smoker or a vertical smoker finding it difficult to kick your addiction to smoking, you can understand at what risk level you are and make sure to try these 5 tips to quit smoking and light candles in your life.

• Think of the bad odor evolving from your mouth. You may miss a deep kiss from your Love Dear!

• Avoid smoking health risks like lung damage and lung cancer. Do you want to live with pinching pains internally?

• Don’t go on wasting money and time. Avoid smoke illusions!

• Better you think of your family on the brighter side when you are to quit smoking.

• Just think of your children if they too follow you. It’ll be awful!