Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quit smoking – Women Are at Higher Risk If Ignored

Quit smoking? Oh, it sounds well for all others than for smokers! A small survey on quitting smoking makes it clear that smokers are not ready to pay heed to these words. Instead, they smile cunningly and say, “Nice, keep it with YOU and live long”. These words are from the depth of their mind. So it’s not surprising that they say bye to the advisers and quit the advising conversation in no time. To such an extent their mind hangs around the spiraling fumes of nicotine all the time.

Men smokers and women smokers:

The interesting thing here is about the women smokers having almost the same number of nicotine receptors as non-smokers among women. But this is in contrast with the statement made about men smokers having greater number of nicotine receptors compared to non-smokers among males. Another thing of interest is the reference made to the elements of smoking not associated to nicotine. By constant observation it has been found that the smoking smell and the style of holding a cigarette between two fingers have significant role of attraction among women smokers unlike men. It’s also admitted that women who get addicted to smoking do find it harder to quit smoking than men. This variation is due to the brains responding differently to nicotine. As the nicotine receptors in the brain are denser in women than in men, the craving for smoking is exorbitant in women.
Best treatments for quitting smoking:
It’s significant that the best treatments for people on ‘how to quit smoking’ are nicotine replacement therapies using nicotine patches and gums. But the research findings are so sure that women smokers are more benefited with other types of treatments that are not involving nicotine. In this list you have the behavioral therapy, exercise and relaxation techniques, and non-nicotine medications. The best treatment is suggested to apply non-nicotine related smoking therapy.

Justification for smoking:

Whether it’s true or not smokers justify their smoking habit by claiming that smoking is a big stress reliever at stress making situations. They also console themselves as if they have deep breathing in and out during smoking. They assume that even a mimic cigarette puffing is helping to enjoy breathing practice.

Warnings for women:

In spite of all these justifications, recent studies on smoking are reporting that women smokers are more prone to lung diseases than men smokers. In specific words, it’s warned that women smokers who ignore the harmful effects of smoking have high risk of getting breast cancer. So it’s with women to continue smoking or stop smoking even after warnings.

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